All you need to know about Teeth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity is a very common concern among adults nowadays. It occurs due to thinning of the enamel protecting the teeth. Sensitive teeth can give mild chills to humans that can last for minutes to a few hours and it is usually observed when anything hot or cold is consumed.

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity

The softer dentine underneath the enamel is the part of teeth that becomes sensitive with thinning of the enamel. Experts of tooth replacement in Merrillville suggest their patients to not avoid symptoms of teeth sensitivity for long as it can lead to other severe dental problems. These dentists also suggest various causes of such sensitivity; let’s have a look at them.
  • Brushing too hard or using hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down the enamel leaving the dentine exposed, leading to an increase in the sensitivity.
  • Cracked teeth can become infected with a plaque and cause inflammation in the tooth pulp.
  • Excessive usage of mouthwash can erode the enamel layer on top of dentin thus leaving the dentin exposed to infection or plaque leading to an increase in the sensitivity.
  • Acidic food is also harmful to the teeth as it can erode the enamel layer on top of the teeth.
  • Dental procedures like a root canal, dental implant and braces can also enhance the sensitivity of teeth. However, this pain usually vanishes after a few weeks.

Dental Treatments for Teeth Sensitivity
If you are experiencing a lot of sensitivity in your teeth, a dentist may advise the below-mentioned remedies to you.
  • Use de-sensitising products made up of fluorides like gels and toothpaste on a regular basis at home.
  • Fluoride can also be painted on the teeth in multiple visits to a dentist to provide an additional layer of protection to sensitive teeth.
  • Gum grafting is another way by which teeth sensitivity can be cured. In this process, gum from a part of the mouth is cut and attached to the side of lost gum.
  • Grinding can be avoided by using a mouth guard to prevent teeth sensitivity.
Preventive Measure for Avoiding Teeth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity usually happens due to long periods of following an unhealthy oral hygiene routine. Experts of cosmeticdentistry in Merrillville suggest patients to prevent their teeth from an early age to avoid issues related to sensitivity in the future. Some very common ways by which teeth sensitivity can be avoided are given below. Have a look.
  • Avoid consumption of acidic food and drinks on a regular basis.
  • Cleaning between the teeth and along the gum line is also very essential to avoid sensitivity in future.
  • Prevent gum loss by brushing and flossing teeth twice a day.
  • Use soft and not hard-bristled toothbrush.

It is important for an individual to pay attention to prolonged teeth sensitivity as it can lead to severe other dental conditions. However, you must not panic if the sensitivity occurs occasionally as it can happen due to multiple reasons. I hope this article helped you to understand more about teeth sensitivity. Keep Smiling and take care of yourself!


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