5 Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety
9 out of 10 people
suffer from some form of dental anxiety. The reasons for dental anxieties can
be many but the most common ones are related to traumatic dental experiences of
the past, particularly more so from emergency dental care. Today dental care procedures, thanks to science and
technology, has evolved by leaps and bounds. Not only are present day dental
procedures safe and painless, but sedation dentistry procedures have also
become very effective and time-bound.
However, in case
you still carry that anxious dental nerve with you, here are 5 tips to overcome
as well as manage your dental anxieties:
1. Open Up About Needle Fears:

2. Remember! A Bad Experience is A Blue Moon: A traumatic past experience is another big reason for many people
keeping themselves at a safe distance from the dentist chair. But this is a bad
judgment to make based on a singular event. Today there is a whole range of
certified and tested numbing gels and sedation procedures that make even
invasive dental procedures painless.
3. Let Imperfections Not Discourage You:
At times we may be
too embarrassed about the state of our teeth and as such visiting a dental
clinic may become an Everest of a task. However, one must bear in mind that a
dentist sees far severe imperfections and hence he must be the last person that
one must be embarrassed about.
4. Practice Relaxation Techniques:
Our mind plays its
own little games. Hence it is important that we practice yoga and other
breathing techniques for relaxing our mind. Yoga gives us many breathing
techniques for relaxing the agitated and anxious mind. These techniques are
proven to be effective methods to overcome not only dental anxieties but other
forms of anxieties too.
5. Ask Someone to Accompany You To The Dentist:
If going alone makes someone's feet turn cold, the best thing is to take a family member or request a friend/colleague for company. This will help keep the mind occupied and help considerably in relaxing.
While the patients
can do their best bit to overcome dental fears, dentists are also trying their
best by getting into the patient's shoes and understanding their plight up
close and personal. St John Dental has
been exemplary in this regard. Dentists now are waking up to the idea that pain
stimulus varies from patients to patients. It is important to help them relax
by lending a caring ear to their fears and requests. In fact, there have been
constant efforts to improve chair experiences through relaxation music,
on-request break times, etc. Overall, all efforts are directed to make the
experience fulfilling and the least painful.
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