What Are the Best Alternatives to Dental Implants?

When it comes to tooth replacement treatment, a lot of dental patients prefer tooth implants because of their strength and aesthetical point of view. Dental implants not only look like natural teeth but also function and feel like them. 

With notable advancement in the field of dental science, implant dentistry Munster has also come a long way now. Modern dental implants not just preserve your natural bone density but also help in restoring it to gain better strength and dental health.

However, not everybody can have the same choice, especially in dental treatment. There are lot of dental patients out there who believe that there are better treatment options available than dental implants.

Here are top 3 dental treatment options that can supply as better option than taking up dental implants.

Full Dentures

Full mouth dentures are a popular replacement for dental implants and are widely employed dental treatment across the world. All though dentures have been around in dental science for quite a while now, there are still a huge number of patients at cosmeticdentistry Munster who feel dentures are a better alternative than implants.

Full mouth dentures are necessarily used when a patient has lost most of his teeth due to any said reason. Dentures are removable teeth set that can effectively replace the entire upper and lower arch of your teeth, meaning a complete set of artificial teeth in lower treatment cost. It may sometimes limit the chewing capacity of a patient which he/she needs to adjust with after taking up dentures.

Partial Dentures

While full dentures are made to replace the entire teeth set of a patient, partial dentures supply as a intermediate solution for those who have considerable number of natural teeth still intact. Partial dentures fill in the gap between healthy teeth and lost ones by provisioning similar function as supplied by full mouth dentures.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a more permanent and trusted treatment option to correct tooth loss.  Unlike dentures, dental bridges are fixed to their place and rarely bother the patient for issues like cleaning or frequent repairs.

Bridges are also quite comfortable in comparison with dentures and very rarely seem to break down or need dental repairs. There are obvious cleaning issues that come along with dental bridges, but its pros outweigh the subtle issues related to its maintenance and repair.


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